
Invisalign systems treat bite problems, gapped and crowded teeth and general alignment issues without the use of restrictive braces.
Hand holding a clear plastic dental retainer

About Invisalign

Invisalign systems treat bite problems, gapped and crowded teeth and general alignment issues with your smile without the insertion of painful and restrictive metal braces. Invisalign can allow for you to continue your daily routine whether that’s eating popcorn at the movie theater or playing hockey. Invisalign attempts to be as minimally invasive as possible so you can continue to enjoy the things you love.

Invisalign FAQ

Depending on the complexity of your case, the treatment could be completed in as little as 6 months, but you should be able to see the difference in a matter of weeks.

It is recommended you wear the Invisaligners for 20-22 hours a day everyday.