First Visit

Make an Appointment

Use our easy online booking feature to book your appointment right away, or give our office a call directly.

Plan for a 2 hour visit

We want to ensure we have the time needed to thoroughly understand your oral health goals.

Fill out your Patient Form

You may choose to pre-fill your patient form and bring them with you to your appointment for a speedier check-in.

Asian women wearing a white button down and blue sweater making a "that was easy" gesture

Your Dental Exam Includes:

Have questions? Just ask!

Call us directly or send an e-mail and our team will be ready to answer your questions or get an appointment booked.

You're unique, your dental exam should be too.

No two patients are the same, which is why we customize your care plan to your individual needs. Our goal is to eliminate any signs of periodontal disease and help you maintain optimum oral health suited to you.

Young girl with brown hair, freckles, and a big smile