Dental Implants

Dental Implants

About Dental Implants

  • Missing teeth can be a burden to many. They can make simple actions such as smiling, eating, or speaking difficult. Because of this, many individuals desire to replace missing teeth, and at Spark, we have a team with the know-how to help make that desire a reality. We offer complete dental implants at our location.
  • Steps before the implants are created often involve x-rays, making molds of teeth, and analysis to determine the details of the procedure and where the implants will be positioned.

Dental Implants FAQ

The dental implant will usually consist of three parts. The first part is the dental implant post, which is a titanium screw secured into the gum and replaces what would be the root of the tooth. The second part is the dental implant crown, which is placed on the implant post. The third part is the abutment, which attaches the implant to the crown.